Sportlink Grand Prix 2024 – Up to race 9

Some of you may know about the Sportlink Grand Prix.  If you don’t, the Sportlink Running & Fitness Grand Prix Series is a series of established road races at a variety of distances across the county of Norfolk.

The final standings aggregates the best nine performances from any of the Grand Prix races in this year’s Series.

At present, we have 5 club members within the top 20 of their class.
They are:
Bob L
George F
But a special mention goes to Paula, who is currently third in her class.

You can download the full results tables here.

RntS 2 Mile Handicap – Run 2

Thanks to the volunteers and well done runners!

Sort-able by position, name and time.

Some questionable warm up arrivals! 😉

1Kirsty L17:54
9Marie P17:20
16Lucy J20:53
22Bob H15:49

A message from Sportlink

We thought your members might like to know about the New Balance Instore Day coming up this Saturday the 25th May. The New Balance Tech rep, Jack Wadsworth, will be bringing try on sets on the New Balance 1080 v13, Vongo v6, 880 v14 and 860 v13 for customers to put on and join us for a gentle 5km run around Taverham.
It’s a fantastic opportunity to put the shoes through their paces and to ask Jack about the New Balance range. Absolutely no obligation to buy, but don’t forget that all your club members get 15% discount in store at Sportlink!
We look forward to seeing some of you on Saturday. We will be setting out for the run at 10.30am so come in early to make sure you get the shoe of your choice!
Best wishes

RntS 2 Mile Handicap – Run 1

Cake!  Lots of cake!  Oh, and some running beforehand!

Thanks to the volunteers and well done runners!

Once again, sortable by position, name and time.


Autumn Blickling Half Marathon

Official Results:
Kevin H – 1:34:49.3
Ana – 1:36:40.1
Andrew S – 1:49:07.8
Gemma – 1:57:09.1
Theresa – 1:57:38.5
Andy – 1:57:53.7
Roland – 1:58:06.8
Laura W – 2:04:53.8
Pete – 2:04:53.9

Norfolk Cross Country Championships

Thanks to Will for this week’s race report:

A classic staple of the cross country racing scene and everyone’s favourite event to start the new year off on a positive.

Maybe favourite is a strong word give the 3 laps of a rather hilly and chilly Earlham park but none the less it’s well organised and definitely worth doing.

Four RntS runners took part with track side support provided by Francesca and joint marshalling / cheering from Evette and Kevin. This was greatly appreciated by all especially by the third lap!

This year the course was cut short by about 300 metres (according to Garmin anyway) due to a bit of flooding in the woodland. Dry feet is definitely a winner in my book that’s for sure!

Excellent running by the team today. Well done all, great job!

If you are looking for something different to try in addition to road running and are after a challenge then I can highly recommend this event.

Official Results:
Liam  – 00:39:36.1
Cat F-W – 00:41:14.5 – 2nd in class
Will  – 00:45:38.0
Bob L – 00:52:02.9

Marham Flyers New Year’s Eve 10K

Marham Flyers New Year’s Eve 10K

Report from Will:
What an excellent way to finish the year!
A nice one loop fast course (although very windy in places), a good crowd of runners of all abilities, great marshal support, the most amazing medal ever created! (I mean seriously, who doesn’t love a spinning plane medal right?!) and of course being part of the best running club in Norfolk! (Go RntS!)
Great running everyone.
Thanks to Mark for the Photos and track side support.

Official Results:
Ana – 00:43:13.4
Will – 00:46:32.8
Andrew – 00:49:29.5
Marie P – 00:56:42.9
Michelle – 01:00:49.10
Debbie – 01:10:42.2
Francesca – 01:10:43.4

Lanzarote half-marathon

Lanzarote half-marathon.

Sábado 2 Diciembre

‘This race was recommended via someone on Twitter (before it changed to X) as a good one for a solo traveller to do as both a race and a winter sun holiday. They were right. Great atmosphere, very well organised. Costa Teguise was heaving with runners from all over, with the UK having the largest representation by far. There’s a marathon, half and 10k. Plus, the day before, there’s a kids’ race and a 5k Santa run.

The race itself went OK. I am not great running in the heat, so I was happy with my time of 2:18.25. We actually started during a rain shower, but it then got pretty warm. Lots of support on the route and plenty of fuel stations with water, isotonic drinks, fresh fruit, and (horrible) gels. Luckily, I’d brought my own gels. The course is along the coast (back from the marathon halfway turning point) and is mainly on promenade with lovely views, but also a bit of road and an industrial estate. And one big incline at about 8 miles.

I bumped into the only two other Norfolk runners, including Gary from Norwich Road Runners who had done it before so made a great guide on the day.

Overall a good experience (I’m still here as I write this, just back from a dip in the sea to cool off, which I guess you all did today too 🤣). May even make it an annual trip. One thing I noticed was a number of UK clubs with a large group of runners here together. Perhaps there may be a gang of RntS next year (7th December).

Finally, thanks to Hayley’s mum for cheering me on towards the end. And also for the incredibly special support I’ve had via WhatsApp to help me enjoy my first time abroad on my own which I was a bit apprehensive about. Never underestimate the effect of a good luck/well done message.’


EAMA 10k

EAMA 10k

A really well organised and marshaled event across open country roads with great views. If you like hills (and the possibility of strong winds) you will love this one!

Not a PB potential but definitely one worth doing.

Thanks again to Francesca for the track side support and photos.

Official Result:
Will – 48:17.0

Will EAMA 10k

Will EAMA 10k

Bonfire Burn 10K, Houghton XC & East Coast 10K

Bonfire Burn 10K

Paul, Paula, Nita and myself had a most enjoyable Sunday morning 10k at Histon near Cambridge.  Our day started with a wonderful brass band playing, then at 10:33 we all set off in wave 2.  Though the start was congested, after the first km we were soon on our way. The weather was good for running though  windy conditions between 6 – 9 km made it challenging as the buses went quickly past on the tramlines. The final km on grass made it slippery in places, but it never stopped being fun!  The stewards were friendly and supportive and the person on the microphone enthusiastic!!  Fun was had by all and we collected a lovely wooden medal and bought refreshments from the Scouts. I would recommend this run for others.

Report by Rob Jackman

Official Chip Results

Rob J – 49:01
Paul – 49:48
Paula – 51:44
Nita – 1:00:47

Houghton 5 mile XC (Club Champs Event)

A team of 6 RntS took to the grounds of Houghton Hall on Sunday, competing in the 5mile XC Race. This was my first time doing the race and I was aware of the course being described as ‘mud fest’, ‘cow pats’ and ‘the awful dyke’ . With the amount of rain in the build up to the race I was certainly expecting to get muddy. But I was wrong! The ground was relatively dry, bar areas of long damp grass, and there was no mud or cow pats of any significance. This may have been due to the course being changed at the last minute however it saved me a job as my spikes which were still bearing mud from my last XC race in March, came out nice and clean and shiny which was a welcomed bonus! Overall the course, in my opinion, was mainly flat with 2 technical sections- one being in the wooded area with some short steep drops and then a U- bend section which had large wooden steps to go up! I cant say I have ever been in a XC race with steps before! It certainly disrupted your rhythm and gave you ‘thigh burn’ as described by Mark who didn’t seem too impressed at having to climb the stairs one extra time then on previous races! Other than that it was longish stretches of grassy terrain and a stretch of a sandy gravel path which gave you opportunities to stride out and pick up the pace. It was a 4 lap course which can be either a good or bad thing depending on how you feel!

Leading the club home was Liam Dawson as he continues his fine form. Liam crossed the line in 7th place overall and also picked up 3rd place for the golden oldies (veterans). Not far behind Liam was Cat, finishing in 9th place overall and 1st female .  Cat was more pleased that she was classed as a senior than a veteran – every cloud! At the younger end of the spectrum, Cam had a solid run coming home in 32nd place. Bob Lyddon crossed in at 39th place and running partners Mark Riseborough and Vikki Powles crossed the line in 62nd and 63rd place.

A big shout out to Pete Alder who gave up his morning to take photos – they are a great set of snaps!

A classic XC race, friendly and well organised. It was a shame the field was quite small however it did clash with several other races. Personally, I prefer XC running as it is off road and is a great strengthening discipline, so for me there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ xc race as even if you may not finish as high up as you hoped, you will still be gaining a good strength session.

Report by Cat Foley-Wray

Official Chip Results

Liam  – 37:08.9 – 3rd male veteran
Cat FW – 37:51.4 – 1st female overall
Cam –
Bob L – 46:56.4
Mark – 1:02:17.2
Vikki – 1:02:17.5

Runners-next-the-Sea male overall team result – 2:10:00.1 – 3rd


East Coast 10K

Having heard good things about last year’s event from Kirsty I was not disappointed.

The course is 1.5 laps by the beachfront which is lovely and flat with the only real obstacle being the wind and the odd slippery surface. Well organised and great support from the marshalls. Definitely a PB potential course! Thanks to Kirsty for driving and Francesca for the track side support.

Report by Will Ayley-Dodd

Official Chip Results

Will – 00:47:24.4 – PB
Kirsty L – 00:57:40.4 – PB