Mental Health Awareness Week – May 15th to 21st

Life is busy and can be stressful for everyone. People are effected by stress and life events in different ways. It is important to be able to recognise when we are feeling overwhelmed and take steps to manage our overall well-being. For some this may be through exercise such as running, or yoga to art and music. It may also be helpful to have an understanding of mental health problems so that you can help support someone else who may be having a challenging time. Each year, Mental Health Week focuses on a specific topic and this year the national topic is Anxiety. Below are some links to various sources of information focusing on mental health and well-being which you may wish to look at.

National websites
information on mental well-being, supporting someone else with their mental health, preventing mental health issues from developing.
A range of information on mental well-being and support available.
Advice and guidance provided by the NHS on mental well-being.
a great website with lots of information around anxiety, links to resources, support groups, anxiety management courses etc.

Regional weblinks
Regional link for the MIND charity providing information on local support services and helplines. Also information on training courses both for individuals, community groups and workplaces etc. and general information on wellbeing.
Fakenham based charity providing a range of free services including wellbeing and anxiety.

Apps (please check that some Apps do have a fee associated with them)
• Smiling Mind
• Headspace
• Calm
• Happify

There are hundreds of books available to read on mental well-being, with plenty available at libraries and as downloads on line. Here are a few we have found:
• Living with IT- a survivors guide to overcoming panic and anxiety. Bev Aiskett
An easy to read book about what anxiety is and how it can present, as well as tips on how to manage it. Great for those strugglnig with Anxiety and Panic as well as for those who want to have develop an understanding to aid the support they can offer to those experiencing such challenges.
• Overcomnig Anxiety -Helen Kennerley
Includes cognitive behavioural techniques to help overcome anxiety.
• How to help someone with Anxiety -Dr Rachel M Allan
• Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace- G Hasson and D Butler
• Jog on – How running saved my life- Bella Mackie
• Its ok to talk -A practical guide to mental health for men- Sam Cooper
• Mind over Mother–Anna Mathur
A guide to managing anxiety and worry as a new parent.

Well-being Groups
A Norfolk based charity focusing specifically on men`s health and well-being. Offers groups to join, activities, peer support etc.
• Walking Woman- First Tuesday of the Month at Holkham – see for further info
• RntS Jog and Jabber- Thursdays 6pm Holkham Village Car Park (This group does not run during the C25K Season) A social group to jog and talk, rant and jabber! Ceri Howell for further details.
• Tuesday Walking Group- Wells Community Hospital
• Yoga – Yoga classes by a lady called Cat, ex mental health nurse, delivering classes in Wells and South Creake. Cat is doing the free Yoga class for RntS as part of mental health week.

A downloadable copy of this information in PDF format is available here.