Meet Debbie Moore

1. How long have you been running for?

I’ve been running just over a year, having started with doing the C25K with RNTS course in Fakenham in May 2021.

2. What made you start running?

I wanted to start running and tried to do the C25K on my own but kept giving up. I saw the RNTS course advertised and decided to give it a go - I’m so glad I did! At the time I was going through a difficult divorce and running, plus the friendship and encouragement from the club members helped so much.

3. Your favourite place to run?

I like running around Fakenham, on different routes. I tend to get bored running the same route especially around Sculthorpe where I live.

4. Your favourite race?

Any race with a medal at the end! My children bought me a Runners medal rack for Christmas so I am very slowly adding medals to it. It was lovely doing the Aylsham 5k on the Queen’s Jubilee weekend because the atmosphere was really celebratory, and lots of spectators cheering everyone along the route which was amazing.

5. Your favourite parkrun?

I’ve only done Holkham which is fab and local, so I need to venture further afield to try more.

6. What is your favourite time of day to run and why?

I like to run early evening, especially after working, as it helps to alleviate all the stressors of the day.

7. What is your preferred distance (if you have one)?

5k - I haven’t done 10k yet, but gradually working up to it, (I have 2 booked over the next couple of months).

8. Best one piece of advice you can give other runners.

If I were a doctor I would prescribe becoming a member of RNTS. The support, friendship and camaraderie of everyone is fabulous and will really help with fitness, and health, both physical and mental. Never worry about who may be running too - there is always someone who will run at the same pace as you - however fast or slow that may be.