A multitude of events have taken place at the end of this Summer season of running

Dereham 5km - 21st August 2022

Well done to the group of RntS who took part in this Friday evening event

Official Results:-

Ant Cude - 19:06

Andrew Sutton - 19:09

Kevin Heyhoe - 19:45

Cam Raven - 20:58

Tara Betts - 21:27

Paul Woodhouse - 22:10

Andy Payne - 22:59

Sarah-Jane Smith = 23:02

Gemma Pickering -24:36

Debbie Moore - 29:54

Wissey Half Marathon - 4th September 2022

Well done to the newly married Hayley Eyre for taking part in this event

Official Result

Hayley Eyre - 02:37

Jolly Jaguars 10k - 11th September 2022

Great effort to the runners who took part in this event and to those who took part in all three races hosted by the Jolly Jaguars

Official Results:-

Darren Smith - 48:01

Tara Betts - 46:47

Malcolm Senior - 48:08 (2nd in age group)

Andy Payne - 48:34

Michelle Finnegan - 01:13:48

Great North Run - 11th September 2022

7 runners travelled to New Castle to take part in this iconic race, apparently it's the world's largest half marathon.  There is great support around the course with supporters giving out sweets, ice pops and fruit, numerous bands and a stunning view of the coast at mile 12.

Official Results:-

Marie Duncan - 02:26:20

Lucy Mccallum - 02:28:25

Lynne Dowdy - 02:29:45

Kerrie Coslett - 02:31:22

Angie Barker - 03:10:25

Teresa Abel - 03:15:56

Shirley Browell - 03:15:56

Chiltern Wonderland 50 (CW50) - 17th September 2022

A huge well done to Nur Kurtoglu-Hooton for taking part in this event

Nur's write up of the event

Where do I even begin? You may remember that in September 2020 and 2021 I took part in a particular race called Chiltern Wonderland 50 CW50 – a 50-mile (80k) race on the Chilterns. I’d completed the 50-mile course in 2020 but had failed to meet the sixth and final (finish line!) cut-off time and in 2021 had timed out half way. This year it ended with a success story for me with 2 mins, 1 second before the finish line cutoff 😅 I was the last finisher with 12:57:59 (the cut-off was 13 hrs). Apparently 93% of the runners who started finished the course within the cut-offs. I was delighted to find out after the race that I came first in my age category, Female Veteran 60, FV60. I’ve been given a £20 voucher to use in Centurion Running online shop as a reward! This year the event was held on Saturday 17th September. It was a beautiful day with weather conditions perfect for a day out on the rolling hills. I started right at the back to pace myself and not be guided by the pace of the faster runners. This proved to be a good decision. I gave it my all and felt strong throughout the race but found the last 2 hours of running in the dark at times quite trying on the senses. All I could see with my headtorch (a powerful one) most of thr time was hills, more hills, woodland, hills and more hills. The Centurion Running team made the event special in every way. As always it was obvious a lot of TLC had gone into the event. The volunteers on the course were very supportive in every way, whether it be at the start, somewhere on the course itself or at aid stations, or at the finish line. I was overwhelmed by everyone near the finish, cheering and willing me on to make the cut-off! Tim was among those cheering, of course. I should add that without his continuous support throughout my training I wouldn’t be able to prepare for all the ultrarunning events that I’ve taken part in over the last 5-6 years. I’ve also greatly benefited from being able to train a little more regularly than usual with my running club, Runners-next-the-Sea members this year, both during training nights with our coaches and during more social runs with some of my RntS friends which has all helped me greatly. To say I’m over the moon with my performance at CW50 this year would be an understatement!

Result - 12:57:59

Spirit of Belron Half Marathon - 24th September 2022

Shane and Lorraine Hunt travelled to Windsor to take part in this event, well done to both of them


Lorraine Hunt - 01:44 (1st female finisher)

Shane Hunt - 01:47

Norfolk Coastal Marathon & Norfolk Coastal Half Marathon - 24th September 2022

Well done to Kirsty Lack who ran the marathon and Kyle Hastings who ran the half.

Kirsty's write up of the marathon:-

When I signed up for this race, I chose the option to catch the bus from the finish at Morston quay, which turned out to be a great incentive to finish! There was a generous eight hour cut-off so I knew I should be OK.
Although I didn't know anyone else doing this initially, for once I didn't feel nervous; I'd printed and checked the map which included two diversions and I had all my fuel and drink planned. 
Getting on the bus with the other runners was nice, I had a quick chat with the man behind me and then listened to the chatter around me. On the journey I kept looking over to the coastal side and trying to remind myself of what part of the route that would be. I've done parts of this route before so it was nice to think of being able to join them all up, so to speak. 
We met the other runners at Holme village hall and once briefed we headed out to the start line. The first diversion came soon after starting with an uphill with lots of loose big stones, here I had a wardrobe malfunction where it felt like my skort was falling down! I walked to sort that out and it was easier to navigate the stones too. I then ran a good distance with a man who helped me keep my pace in check. Keeping the place steady was good as I could chat and still run at the same time. As I knew the area, it was quite nice to be able to point out different things like Branodunum field.
My mum popped out on Choseley Road to give a quick cheer and then shortly after passing her we reached the start of the second diversion where I saw Kerrie (and Harley!). Knowing where part of the diversion was, we helped another runner who'd gone too far to get back on course. Along the back roads my mum and dad popped up again which was lovely. I didn't know where anyone was going to be so it was always a nice surprise! Going into Brancaster Staithe harbour was mum again with some sweets and I also saw some friends who were working.
Going out onto the bank from Burnham Deepdale to Burnham Overy I found tough; Mike was still with me but we had said if either wanted to go ahead then to do so. I slowed up at this point and he went on. Getting to Burnham Overy was mum and dad again with some supplies and Mike had passed them and said I was OK, just a little further behind which was reassuring for them. 
The hardest part of this course came next and it was down towards the beach where it was unclear if we should stay in the dunes or go into the beach. Another runner had caught me up so together we went along the dunes and eventually down into the beach. Although the route was long and the runners had spread out, I felt fortunate enough to always be within view of someone should anything happen. 
Going along the Pinewoods was good, I knew the terrain and route and the trees offered a bit of cover from the wind where I then caught up another runner who had a very consistent pace. We ran together until Wells cafe where my mum met me and we walked along the bank to the quay. 
At 20 miles I was very relieved, just a 10k left! It began to cloud over and it felt a bit lonely, I did miss my regular running buddies at this point as it would have made the last slog a lot more bearable! And then there was Lucy, I was so pleased to see her and I instantly relaxed. We ran a bit together to Stiffkey where she was parked and then I met her and Kerrie at the next parking spot. They said they'd go and meet me at Morston. 
Still missing some company, I played some tracks on my phone, which made up for no chatter and it definitely helped. Before I knew it, I was in view of the Positive Steps flags and the long-awaited finish line! Kerrie, Lucy and David were there to cheer me over the finish line. Thank you all so much, and to my brilliant mum & dad - so much appreciation!
A tough course with so much varying terrain but a good one to do. This challenged me in so many ways but proud to complete it. 96 out of 107 finishers.
Officials Results:-
Marathon - Kirsty Lack - 05:54:54
Half - Kyle Hastings - 01:37:59

Bure Valley 10 - 25th September 2022

Well done to the 6 RntS who ran this event on Sunday morning

Kirsty has provided a write up of the event:-

This is one of my favourite races so when it came up, I signed up super quick - I think that's how I managed to get bib number 1!
The race is set in Banningham which is a really sweet village not far from Aylsham. It's all on road with a few hills to negotiate. The roads are not closed to traffic but it is fairly quiet. I've done this race a few times now and it's always the same route, the knowledge of which I used to plan today. Legs a bit achy from yesterdays run but I wanted to get at least 5.5 miles in by an hour; this is due to there being a two hour time limit. 
Lucy and I met up with the other RntS outside the village hall and the atmosphere and chat was relaxing. We were briefed on the run and it started promptly. Following the other runners I did go out faster than intended but it did then give me a bit more time towards the end when it was literally, an uphill struggle! 
Some amazing running today, as I was approaching mile 5/6, the first runners were already making their way back towards the village green and the finish line. Everyone was so supportive of each other when passing.
I wasn't quite last but still within the limit which I'm really proud of! Definitely recommend this race if you've not done it before. 
Official Results:-
Ant Cude - 01:10:44
Tara Betts - 01:18:46
Paul Woodhouse - 01:21:36
Cam Raven - 01:26:00
Lucy Mccallum - 01:34:04
Kirsty Lack - 01:53:10 

Rutland Half Marathon - 25th September 2022

Well done to Hayley Eyre for running this event.  Hayley said it isn't an easy half because it is hilly, especially the last 4 miles, but she loved the event and it being one of her favourite places.

Official Result:-


Ely Runfest Half Marathon - 25 September 2022

Well done to Ceri who took part in this run at Ely

Ely Runfest.
If you are looking for a low-key, friendly and enjoyable feel then Ely Tri Club Run Fest, is well worth a go!
On offer was an Ultra, Marathon, Half and 10K. 
I chose the trail half marathon as a way to explore the countryside around Ely and of course Ely itself! With easy registration on Palace Green in front of the Cathedral, free parking and toilets, the day started well. All the races started and finished on Palace Green, then went down cobbled streets through Jubilee Gardens and onto the river, and mostly followed Cyclepath 11. So there were road crossing including waiting at pedestrian lights, level crossings, gates, cattle grids, grass, uneven surfaces, bridges and quiet roads to Wicken Fen, which was the halfs turning point to return to Ely.
The scenery was lovely especially on the last 3 miles seeing the Cathedral in all its glory. Not too far to travel and good shopping and cafes after the race made it even better!!
Result - 02:29:28