Marriott’s Way 10K

Well done to the runners who took part in the Marriott's Way 10K at the weekend.

A beautiful sunny Sunday morning for a 10K run, Kirsty Lack has kindly provided a write up of the event:-

What a beautiful day for the Marriott's Way 10k. Although breezy on the field with car-park / race HQ, once we were lead across the road and up onto the bank the hedges gave shelter from the wind and some of the sun. A lovely trail run and well-marshalled.
We all self-seeded so I put myself right at the back. Once we set off, a bit of weaving was needed and it thinned out. I soon found myself doing a nice pace behind another runner so I decided to stay behind him so as to not go too fast. As runners were being set off in 10 minute intervals, I was quite pleased to not be caught up too soon by the second wave! At some points, the path is quite narrow so you have to be mindful of the faster runners coming through but also to other users of the path. 
It was such a lovely day and I wished I'd got some pictures but was also quite conscious of the terrain so kept my eyes more down than up. Coming onto the path I knew the finish line wasn't too far away so I gave it my all to get up the hill. 
On finishing, we all got a medal, top and a cup plus refreshments. Would definitely recommend.

Official Results:-

Kyle Hastings - 00:42:35

Amanda Marshall - 00:48:34

Susannah Towning - 00:59:37

Kirsty Lack - 01:02:16

Keith Beswick - 01:09:21

Luke Kittridge - 01:15:36

Amy Howes - 01:15:36