Norfolk County Championships & Reepham Cross Country

Norfolk County Championships

Ruth Boxall and Chris Palmer competed in the Norfolk County Championships (Sunday 29 January 2023) Ruth Boxall - Rnts C25K to County Champion in 7 months, Ruth won the W75 gold medal beating a former British champion in the process in 13.88 sec. The fastest time in the UK for a W75 in the 2022-2023 season.

Chris Palmer ran a strong race retaining his county championship for a second year in 9.89sec


Reepham Cross Country

A team of 11 runners tackled the popular Cross Country course on Sunday 29th January 2023.

The approximate 10k course was not for the faint hearted, with it's mud filled swamp like ditches, freezing river crossings and several muddy climbs.

Official Results:-

Stuart Williams - 00:48:28

Cam Raven - 00:53:36

Roland Bewick - 00:54:50

Andy Payne - 00:58:10

Bob Humphries - 00:58:10

Lucy Mccallum - 01:10:41

Kerrie Coslett - 01:10:55

Kirsty Lack - 01:12:41

Vikki Powles - 01:17:09

Marie Pacey - 01:18:10

Michelle Finnegan - 01:21:59