Meet Paul Woodhouse

Paul is one of the club Coaches.  He is always willing to support others during races and training.

Paul is involved with the Couch 2 5k training and organising the Thursday night Fakenham social runs.

  1. How long have you been running for - Around 10 years
  2. What made you start running - After finishing playing football I would cycle as Libby ran. Gradually I started running short distances so we could run together and as they say the rest is history.
  3. What made you become a coach - Having been lucky in my younger days with both football and cricket, having so many people encouraging and supportive of what I was doing.
    When the opportunity arose to join RntS coaching I felt this my opportunity to give something back and enjoy watching people progress and achieve with my help.
  4. Your favourite place to run - Holkham, Wells loop
  5. Your favourite race - Difficult choice
    Locally Worstead festival 5 mile (individual)
    Alex Moore relay for camaraderie and atmosphere
    Further a field Blairgowrie New Year’s Day run
  6. Your favourite parkrun - Has to be Holkham as it’s my old back yard.
  7. What is your favourite time of day to run and why - Evenings as easiest time for me
  8. What is your preferred distance? (if you have one) - 10k
  9. Best one piece of advice you can give other runners - Running is not just fitness but gaining self belief that you can do it.
    Psychologically persuading yourself to carry on when the desire is to give up.
    Above all run for Fun